Why? Why does this site exist? The better question is why American legislators are so afraid to lose their jobs that they fail to DO their jobs. Members of Congress receive millions of dollars in campaign contributions every years from gun-advocacy groups intent on making sure there are as many guns in circulation as possible. Who loses? The American people.
In 2019, firearm injuries surpassed motor vehicle collisions to become the leading cause of death for youth aged 0-19 years in the United States. Almost every single day a child is accidentally killed by a gun. From 2001 to 2019, there has been a 14% increase in the firearm injury mortality rate among youth in the United States, whereas there has been a 66% reduction in the MVC mortality rate. We mandate that children ride in car seats and that they wear helmets on bicycles, but Congress sits idly by and does nothing effective to protect children from gun violence.
That’s why this site exists. And I look forward to the day I shut this site down because it’s no longer needed.